et’s get your career back on track, but further and ask what opportunities he or
first, let’s be clear on where you left it. she notices overall that you could work on
As Dr. Stephen R. Covey says, “Seek
moving forward. Take note. Again, listen
first to understand, then to be under-
more than you speak so you don’t to sound
stood.” That is, if you haven’t already, under- defensive or closed. Thank your manager for
stand the perspective, actions and intentions the feedback and ask to follow up in two to
of your coworker. This doesn’t mean
you should get into a “spat” again.
It means you listen to what he has
to say, with you saying little or noth-
Seek first to
ing at all, except “I appreciate you
sharing your perspective with me.”
understand, then
Listening will give you perspective
to be understood.
on his personality, thought pro cess,
— Dr. Stephen R. Covey
and behaviors. I am not sure if you
saw or heard him undermine you
with the manager, but listening to
him should clear this up and help
you build a relationship with your
coworker. Believe it or not, this is
important before you go to the man-
ager. Talking with your coworker first will
four weeks to get feedback on your progress.
say a lot to the manager about your charac-
Whew! Sounds like a lot, but you’re not
ter, including your ability to address issues.
finished yet. Sleep on it. Reflect on every-
I noticed you used “the” manager
thing you took notes on the next day. Know
instead of “my” manager. This suggests you
that doing exactly what your manager
have not yet built a relationship with “the
suggests is not the best option. Give more
manager.” Now is the time to do so. Ask
than what is expected. You should prioritize
your manager if you can spend time with
your next steps and aim to be extraordinary.
him or her in an effort to professionally
If needed, seek out a coach or accountability
develop. Be specific about your intentions.
partner to help you stay focused on your
For instance, ask for feedback regarding
your application for the previous promotion
Here’s to catapulting your career!
opportunity. What specific things could
Hope LeNoir, Forward Thinking Professional
have improved your application? What are
Development Strategist and Coach, is the
some tactical steps you can take to put you
Founder of Rise and Fly.
in a better position next time? Go even