Christ was all about healing both the
physical and spiritual needs of people. He
spent much of His time teaching, speaking
parables, touching and ministering to the
needs of the people. He also wrought mira-
cles which gave further evidence He is the
Son of God with the power to save, heal and
deliver. Many believed and were healed of
both physical and spiritual illnesses.
“Spiritual healing is a huge need in the
Body of Christ.’ According to the World
Christian Encyclopedia, ‘approximately 16
million believers walk out of the Christian
church each year and most do not return.
Spiritual sickness and disillusionment is
at an all-time high. In North America,
an average of 1,500 pastors and ministry
leaders leave their post each month, agai n,
most never return to the pulpit. Each day,
thousands of believers find too wide a gap
between what they are taught in church and
what they experience in reality. Disillusion-
ment then sets in. The believer works hard
to make his or her life work, and often the
result is burnout, anger or hatred toward the
church. The formulas, gimmicks, and prom-
ises haven't worked for these people, and
many walk away from the Christian faith
hurt and wounded, instead of loved and
Studies by the Pew Research Center,
shows the sheer number of people who
identify with no religious faith, who do not
attend religious services on a weekly basis
and the large number of young people who
do not believe in God—all point to a great
need for spiritual healing for many.
According to the Pew Research Center:
• 77% of all adults surveyed identify with
some religious faith
• 27% of Millennials say they attend reli-
gious services on a weekly basis
• 51% of adults in the Silent generation
say they attend religious services on a
weekly basis
• Four-in-ten of the youngest Millennials
say they pray every day
Six-in-ten Baby Boomers say they pray
every day
Only about half of Millennials say they
believe in God with absolute certainty
Only about four-in-ten Millennials say
religion is very important in their lives
Every saved person was once an unbe-
liever and knows what it’s like to live in
darkness. Because of our conversion, we
now walk in the blessed love and light of
Christ. But unless there is a spiritual revival
in the lives of Christians, which will cause
the light in us to shine so brightly that it
draws unbelievers and the uncertain to
Christ, we cannot escape the darkness that
threatens the lives and souls of those in the
world who do not yet know Him.
As believers, we are commanded to
shine light into the darkness. “Let your light
so shine before men, that they may see your
good works, and glorify your Father which is
in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 KJV. It may help
someone in need of spiritual healing take
that first step. 21