Bear in mind that dosage levels can vary . The thyroid alone needs approximately 5 mgs of iodine per day , but iodine is used by the cells of the breast , ovaries , uterus and prostate as well . Holistic physicians treat fibrocystic breast disease , which causes cysts , nodules and hardness of the breast , with iodine . They ’ ve also had significant success in treating breast cancer with high doses of iodine . This is also true for the nodules , cysts and cancer that can be found in the ovaries , uterus and prostate . So , a maintenance dosage for an adult would be 12.5 mgs . For the higher dosage of iodine , recommended by holistic physicians , you ’ re looking at up to 50 mgs per day . For breast cancer , possibly 100 mg of iodine per day is appropriate , although I would urge you to discuss this with your integrative practitioner .
16 HimPower October 2017