tumor formation.) Overall, the high-AKBA
boswellic extract inhibited cell prolifera-
tion, decreased cancer cell viability, and
decreased the survival of clonogenic cells –
the mutated cells that create tumors.
Alone, or with the absorbable curcumin
extract I outlined above, boswellia is an
excellent ingredient to used to bolster a
cancer-protective regimen of healthy diet,
exercise, and other strong supplementation.
Iodine is essential to good health.
It’s required by the thyroid (along with
the amino acid, L-tyrosine) to create the
hormones you need for healthy metabolism.
But, aside from thyroid support,
iodine’s anti-cancer functions may be one of
its most important benefits.
Scientific tests using estrogen sensitive
breast cancer cells exposed to iodine have
shown that they are less likely to grow and
spread. Fibrocystic breast disease is also
a common concern, and creates swelling,
tenderness, and discomfort. In one study,
98% of women receiving iodine treatment
were pain-free by the study’s end, and
72% had improvements in breast tissue.
(Ghent WR, et al. Iodine replacement in
fibrocystic disease of the breast. Can J Surg
As it happens, life expectancy in
Japan is just over 82 years old, while in
the United States it is about 78 years. The
infant mortality in Japan is half of that of
the United States. And, America faces three
times the number of deaths from breast
cancer than Japan.
Studies note a connection between
thyroid abnormalities and breast cancer, and
iodine intake may be a factor. Today, one in
sevenAmerican women will develop breast
cancer during her lifetime. Compare that
to thirty years ago, when iodine consump-
tion was much higher, and one in 20 women
developed breast cancer. Women in Japan
who consume high amounts of dietary
iodine have much lower rates of breast
cancer and thyroid problems. However,
when women emigrate from Japan to the
United States and begin eating a Western
diet, with its fractional amount of iodine,
their breast cancer and thyroid diseases
increase dramatically.
Unfortunately, this isn’t surprising.
Iodine helps rid the body of toxic bromide,
chloride, and fluoride – three iodine
impostors that attach themselves to iodine
receptor sites in the body and are all too
common in our environment. That’s one of
the many reasons that I believe it is critical
that we get high levels of iodine each day.
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