Editor’s Note
t’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is a couple
of weeks away. And I’m sure you’ll agree
we each have much to be thankful for as
we approach the holiday season. God has
been so good—all year long—blessing us
with new mercies each day. How can you not
be grateful when you realize how blessed
you are and have been throughout life?
Gratitude sums up the sentiment of
Coach Anthony Criss. Thanksgiving took
on special significance for him a couple of
years ago after he had a stroke during one
of his team’s football game. His testimony
is the subject of the, “I’m still here” cover
story this month. You’ll learn about the lack
of warning he had before it struck, how his
quick recovery confounded the doctors, how
he regained his memory and how his testi-
mony has helped others. We’ve also included
information about how often strokes affect
men and women and what to look for to
make sure you’re not at risk. You’re sure to
be inspired and motivated to live healthier.
We’re also revisiting a serious health
epidemic we first covered over a year ago.
There has been a lot of talk about the opioid
epidemic lately. Yet, in the absence of a
national sustainable solution, we asked Dr.
Germaine Hawkins to dispel the mystery
surrounding opioids and provide informa-
tion about natural, non-habit-forming prod-
ucts to counter the opioid epidemic (various
prescription pain pills now with warnings
issued by the FDA) is taking on the lives
and families of unsuspecting Americans.
And to inspire you
to become your best you,
we’ve included spiri-
tual inspiration and tips
for personal empowerment. If you’re an
aspiring business owner, be sure to make
note of the upcoming virtual conference for
success offered by SCORE.
We’re also excited to welcome, Juliane
Wiebracht, the newest Author for HimPower
Magazine. She has contrib uted several arti-
cles as a “guest” and has now joined our
impressive cadre of feature writers. Her
penchant for writing inspirational messages
is sure to become one of your favorites. Read
her bio at www.himpowermagazine.com/authors
and her story in the October issue.
Finally, have a blessed Thanksgiving
with your family and friends. And for a
special helping of warm fuzzies, bless
someone in need with food, clothing, dona-
tions or whatever you have to give before the
big day. You’ll feel better and so will they.
Until next time, remember God loves
you and wants you to be blessed with
good health, a prosperous life and a close
personal relationship with Him. Consider
HimPower Magazine His source to inspire
and motivate you.
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