light. This doesn’t mean that Vitamin C acts
as a sunscreen, but instead that it protects
against the free radical damage too much
sun exposure can cause. In a clinical study
in Germany, four weeks of vitamin C supple-
mentation was shown to increase the radi-
cal-scavenging activity of the skin by 22%.
Results of the study showed that the effect
was fast, and results were enhanced when
higher doses of Vitamin C were adminis-
Zinc is an essential mineral that the
body requires to make collagen, which
keeps skin smooth and elastic, and it is also
important for skin healing and growth. Zinc
citrate is one of the most highly absorbable
forms of zinc and contributes largely to the
maintenance of healthy-looking skin.
I also recommend two extremely
powerful botanicals: curcumin and
boswellia. Curcumin and boswellia have
many profound benefits for health, but
they are best known for their ability to
fight inflammation. While inflammation
is a normal physical response in the body,
too much inflammation is the cause of all
disease. When it comes to your skin health
in particular, persistent inflammation is
enemy number one.
Curcumin and boswellia are both
potent anti-inflammatories with the ability
to stop oxidative damage to the skin and
protect healthy skin cells. They work excep-
tionally well when paired together. Clini-
cally studied curcumin with turmeric essen-
tial oil containing turmerones has also been
shown to dramatically improve inflamma-
tory factors that play a role in skin radiance.
Curcumin also improves collagen deposition
and vascular density in wounds. Vascular
density is what ensures adequate blood flow
to carry in the nutrients needed for repair
of damaged tissue. As an added bonus,
curcumin has shown promise at reducing
inflammatory skin conditions such as psori-
asis, eczema, and even skin cancer.
Who doesn’t want their skin to look
healthy and ageless? A healthy glow is
possible with the right combination of nutri-
ents and healthy skincare habits.
In addition to taking these nutrients,
there are a number of things you can do to
maintain the healthiest skin possible.
For healthier looking skin, I recom-
mend taking curcumin, boswellia, French
grape seed, SOD, zinc citrate, and vitamin
C daily.
Terry Lemerond has 45 years of experience in
the health food industry as an owner of several
health food stores and dietary supplement manu-
facturing companies. He has researched and
developed over 400 nutritional and botanical
formulations and is considered an innovator in
the industry.
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