HIMPower Magazine HimPower May 2017 | Page 8

her life helping to reduce the number of first degree prior to law school admission HIV/AIDS victims. Recently, we had a so I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree chance to ask her. We learned about her in Afro-American Studies with a minor in mercy and God’s favor, perhaps in part Sociology. Upon completion, I applied for because of her compassion for His chil- and got acceptance into law school to begin dren—the least of these. He blew her mind the fall after my graduation. However, one and may just blow yours. fateful evening, I picked up a TIME maga- HimPower: What inspired you to get zine article that described the pitiable HIV/ involved with the plight of orphans with AIDS situation in Africa, with one million HIV/AIDS and how children orphaned by did you expect to the scourge. I cried. help? A lot of our work is with moth- My heart was broken. Dr. Adetosoye: And I vowed to join ers and children, so it is really Growing up in the fight against the fulfilling to read the success Nigeria, I always deadly disease that wanted to be a was ravaging the stories and see the downward lawyer. My father was continent of Africa. I trends in mortality and morbid- a Law Professor and asked around (Google ity among women and children wasn’t available then) I felt I had all the qualities to become a about how I could around the world. successful practicing get involved without attorney. I never providing any clinical backed down from an argument and would services, as I wouldn’t do well with blood, look for all evidence to support my points, saliva, or any such body fluids. I worked from a very young age. So I was on track - for a public health professor at UCLA and I graduated from high school and gained through him, I heard about public health, a admission into the University of Benin (Edo discipline that focuses on population-level State, Nigeria) to study Law. However, due health and disease prevention/control. I to political instability, I left Nigeria and abandoned my law school dreams and set returned to the USA where I was born, to about acquiring all the knowledge I could continue my studies in peace and without about gaining admission into the UCLA interruption. I gained admission into UCLA School of Public Health and by the grace of after a short stint at Fullerton College and God, I did. That was the beginning of my I began my quest to understand the Amer- journey…. ican education system and how I could HimPower: Your decision obviously took continue my academic pursuits in the law you from the path you and your parents had discipline. I figured out that I needed a initially envisioned for you. Would you do it 8  HimPower May 2017