HIMPower Magazine HimPower March/April 2019 | Page 27

Dr. Angela: We plan to address a number outcomes you hope to accomplish? of topics including the power of collabora- Dr. Angela: Our goal is simple. We want tion over competition among women, the people to realize that we are more alike than value of collective impact, and how to have different. A number of our issues are held crucial conversations. We even have an in common but never discussed. We cannot episode where we had heal what we do not two professional men acknowledge. We will discuss their views on have non-judgmental, Our goal is simple. We want productive conver- the concept of privilege in our country. It was a people to realize that we are sations that promote powerful conversation. growth and connection. more alike than different. HimPower: Will HimPower: How attendees be able to join can listeners expect the in real time or is the podcast only available podcast to benefit them? to listen to after it is recorded? If recorded, Dr. Angela: We want the listeners to move how can listeners ask questions or give feed- into action after listening. At the conclusion back? of each episode, we specifically give take- Dr. Angela: The podcast is currently a aways that the listeners can immediately use recorded podcast, but future episodes will to create positive change in their lives. allow for call in questions. Listeners can HimPower: Is Just Be Real Sis for ladies currently submit their comments and ques- only or are men welcome to tune in as well? tions to our email address which is just- Dr. Angela: While the title is Just Be Real [email protected]. Listeners can also Sis, we have already invited a few men in message our Instagram page @justberealsis. as guests to tell their stories. We feel that it When listeners submit their questions, we is important to present different points of will answer them via social media or on view. If the goal is to create alignment and future podcasts. facilitate healthy conversations, we have to HimPower: How do you decide who will include everyone. So far, the formula has appear as guests? worked for us.  Dr. Angela: The beautiful thing about this podcast is that we are giving a voice The Just Be Real Sis podcast is available to everyday people. Most recently we had at www.justberealsis.com. It is also available a community psychiatrist and a marketing on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartradio, and executive. We want authentic stories from Simplecast. Episodes can be accessed at any people who really want to use their stories to time, 24 hours a day. You can also subscribe to heal others. the podcast and receive notifications when new HimPower: What are some specific episodes are released. www.himpowermagazine.com  27