HimPower: What would
attempts to put them in.
you say is your mission for
Those boxes can be due to
Just Be Real Sis?
gender, ethnicity, geographic
Dr. Angela: Our mission
location, education and
is to have the meaningful
many other things.
conversations that are often
HimPower: What key
heard in friend circles, or at
points do you want ladies to
the kitchen table, but rarely
take away from Just Be Real
in public forums. We will
Sis and the messages you will
use the podcast as a platform
be sharing?
to allow other people to tell
Dr. Angela: In our
their truth. The ultimate
podcast, we’re highlighting
goal of the show is to have
the real stories of real
conversations that create
people. It’s a place where we
Candace Morgan (left) and
understanding and empower
Dr. Angela Anderson
are bringing the conversa-
the listeners. In the first
tions that are held in private,
episode, we share personal stories of what it to the public. We are tackling issues that
is like to be accomplished, but still have to
are sometimes hard to discuss, but with
prove ourselves on a daily basis. We discuss the mission of creating understanding and
what it is like to be misjudged, underesti-
alignment. In all things, we value integrity
mated and discounted, but we also discuss
and impact. We really want this podcast to
how we deal with these issues and come out build bridges and spark healing conversa-
of them in a positive way. The stories are
real and told in a very transparent way.
HimPower: How is your format struc-
HimPower: Why do you think Just Be
tured and how long is each podcast?
Real Sis is particularly relevant now?
Dr. Angela: The format is conversational
Dr. Angela: Candace and I speak with
and we have invited guests. Each episode
women across the country on a regular basis is 30-35 minutes (the length of the average
and we found common themes in some of
commute). At the end of each show we
the struggles that successful women were
provide actions items that the listeners can
experiencing. I think that sometimes the
use right away to help them start similar
concerns of this population may go unno-
conversations with the people they are
ticed because it is generally believed that
connected to.
successful women are doing ok. Despite
HimPower: We love the idea of action
rising to certain levels of success, there are
items that can create an impact for listeners.
still many times when these women are rele- Are there any particular topics or themes
gated to any number of boxes that society
you plan to focus on in the months ahead?
26 HimPower March/April 2019