by Julie Wiebracht
o you ever feel inadequate? Maybe
it is a child for whom your heart is
breaking. You long to teach them
how to love God, how to walk with
him, and yet are unable to save them—you
feel like you are losing them.
Or maybe it is something that God has
called you to—a job or a ministry—and you
feel utterly inadequate, as though your skill
sets and talents are blatantly lacking. It’s as
though you were a fish created to swim, and
now you are in a bird’s nest high in an oak
tree, pondering how you will ever get back
to sea. Is there any good, any beauty, to be
found in our feelings of inadequacy? A great
deal of beauty. It is in realizing how inca-
pable we are of handling our own life, that
we become desperate for the only One who
can. Can God give you the wisdom to raise
your child? Yes. Can He give you the skill
you need, day by day, to face the challenges
of the responsibilities that He has called you
to? Can he provide the help you need to fill
in the gaps? Yes. Are you alone in feeling
12 HimPower June 2017
inadequate? Absolutely not.
Exodus 4:10-12 “But Moses said to the
LORD, ‘Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent,
either in the past or since you have spoken
to your servant, but I am slow of speech and
of tongue.’ Then the LORD said to him,
‘Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes
him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it
not I, the LORD? Now therefore go, and I
will be with your mouth and teach you what
you shall speak.’”
Ever have moments like this? I do. A
lot. God has called me to something that
I don’t have the wisdom for, or even the
emotional strength. I get scared. Sometimes
I panic. But God nudges my soul and gets
my attention. He shows me where to go for
the wisdom that I am lacking.
James 1:5-7 “If any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask God, who gives generously to all
without reproach, and it will be given him.
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
for the one who doubts is like a wave of the
sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.