do some good with the things they are doing . Our main focus is kids taking in too much sugar and caffeine . It ’ s destroying their ability to stay focused and causing other health issues . So , I feel honored to be asked to be a part of this . I believe in these young people and that good health is something you can ’ t put a price on .
That ’ s why I ’ m also involved with an initiative by Dr . Germaine Hawkins , who developed Advyndra ® ( pronounced ad-vindruh ), a proprietary blend of important amino acids and B vitamins necessary for optimal brain and cardiovascular health . What people don ’ t realize is many of the health issues you hear about today are caused by vitamin B deficiencies . Studies show that someone develops dementia every 66 seconds — that ’ s basically a person a minute . As many as 40 % of Americans are deficient in Vitamin B12 and conditions like depression , dementia , anxiety and insomnia have been linked to this problem .
Dr . Hawkins , the founder of Mind & Body Health Solutions LLC & Doctors of Color International ( D . O . C . I .) recently held their first annual Advyndra ® Advantage 5k Walk / RUN to bring awareness to the importance of nutrition and vitamins to
Speaking to athletes at Carthage , Texas promote optimal brain health . I served as Events Logistics Chair and was very excited to be a part of this worthwhile awareness campaign . Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Guzman23 Foundation which supports Alzheimer ’ s sufferers and their families and the Walk for Jade ” Jade Spraberry , a local Arlington girl born with an incurable genetic disorder Tibial Hemimelia which impairs her ability to walk .
HimPower : You have been doing a lot of good for a lot of people for a long time . It seems no matter what you get involved in , a big part of it means helping others and giving back . There has to be a very strong motivation to keep on giving so much of yourself day in and day out . What drives you ?
Williams : I do the things I feel led to do , when it ’ s something God has put on my heart to do . If you listen to the inner man , God will lead you to the path of life on what you can really do .
For more information about Byron Williams , go to www . bwresources . com . Or to learn more about Advyndra ®, go to https :// www . hawkinspsychiatry . com / product / advyndra /
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