He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to
make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.
Titus 2:14 (NLT)
And when I climbed into my car, ready to
leave, my son urged me from the back seat,
“You’ve got to help her! She’s crying!” And
it’s true, she was falling apart in her car.
I didn’t want to try again. This was really
getting awkward.
Nonetheless, my son was insistent and
I wondered if he was right. So I gave in.
Approaching her car from a distance, I tried
again. However, this time she mentioned
him. Mentioned him not showing up. This
was my opening, and I quickly stepped in
closer. Her driver’s side door was open. It
was a small vehicle and low to the ground.
I got down on the concrete. Close enough
for at least some privacy in this public space.
Now maybe we could talk. She wore a white
cream dress and had put it on for him. They
had been friends for years and at some point
began dating; only for her to find out on
Facebook that he was leaving her. In her
desperation, she had asked him to meet
her here at this grocery store. Dressed up,
she now sat and waited alone. He was a
no-show. I told her about my own divorce.
How I was abandoned and left for another
woman. And we had a deep conversation,
right there, in the parking lot, as my son
prayed for me in the car. Two strangers,
that God had put together for just the right
moment. At one point, she pulled out a
Bible that she had with her and mentioned
a women’s study group. Did she really know
Him? What happened to her after that day?
I gave her my phone number but never
heard from her again. However, I believe
that God had orchestrated our visit long
ago. From my son’s unplanned dislocated
finger, to the doctor’s visit and trip to the
pharmacy —
none of these challenges were
an accident. God knew how this woman
would receive a word of hope, in a time
when hope seemed to have flown far far
Life is filled with the ordinary. With
the busy, the stressful, the painful, as well
as all the enjoyable distractions such as kids
events and tv shows. But life is also filled
with the supernatural. The good works that
God has planned ahead for us to do. May
God grant us the mercy to see his plans, and
the courage to abandon our own.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workman-
ship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should
walk in them.
Juliane Wiebracht is a homemaker in Longview,
TX who shares God’s love with women who are
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