Editor’s Note
elcome back HimPower Family.
As always, our goal is to pro-
vide information to help you
prosper in health—an objective
woven into our mission statement at Him-
Power Magazine. One of the ways we do
this is by remaining alert to health issues,
what causes them and why. Then, we high-
light them here to raise awareness, while
providing information and resources to
empower you to continue prospering in your
health (3 John 2).
One such health issue is depression and
overall mental wellness, which has esca-
lated the conversation primarily because
of unexpected suicides by celebrities and
opioid related deaths. There are many soci-
etal factors that impact each person’s mental
healthiness regardless of who they are, but
when one contributor is the last place you
would expect to find it, it is important to
call attention to the source.
According to a new study by the
University of Illinois Chicago, researchers
concluded, “That more than one-third
of U.S. adults may be using prescription
medications that have the potential to
cause depression or increase the risk of
suicide, and that because these medica-
tions are common and often have nothing
to do with depression, patients and health
care providers may be
unaware of the risk.
Additionally, “They
found that more than
200 commonly used
prescription drugs — including hormonal
birth control medications, blood pres-
sure and heart medications, proton pump
inhibitors, antacids and painkillers — have
depression or suicide listed as potential side
effects.” (https://today.uic.edu/one-third-of-
While certain medications may be
one of many contributors, it is important
to better understand how to deal with
the und erlying factors impacting mental
wellness. In this month’s cover story, Dr.
Charles Ridley, licensed psychologist,
provides insight into this intensely complex
and pervasive problem that is spilling over
into every area of life, with the potential to
impact each of us directly or indirectly.
We hope you will be encouraged and
feel empowered to encourage others.
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