HIMPower Magazine HimPower December 2017 | Page 33
The Fishman
by Larry Huntsperger
Review by Kevin Morgan
ny person who sat through two
or three days in Sunday School
knows who Peter was, right? Well,
maybe or maybe not. Maybe this
book by Mr. Huntsperger will help all of
us get a better understanding about this
important apostle. The Fisherman is a his-
torical novel that imagines Peter telling the
story of his relationship with Jesus in his
own words. Think of this book as a fictional
memoir by the disciple noted for his three-
time betrayal of the Savior of the world.
In the context of this novel, Peter
was an ambitious fisherman and devoted
husband before he met Jesus. It was his
brother, Andrew who excitedly encouraged
Peter to meet this charismatic and inspiring
new prophet. At first, Peter wasn’t having
it. He was focused on expanding his fishing
enterprise and becoming a big-time fishing
tycoon in town. He was not going to let
some hick prophet ruin his plans.
Okay, we already know how this story
ends. Peter meets and finally relents to
become part of Jesus’ inner circle of 12
disciples. He occasionally reveals his impul-
sive side such as when he asks Jesus to allow
him to walk on water and when he issues
his bold claim that he would follow Jesus
to the death.
So, for most
of us, reading
this book is
not going
to lead to
any surprises. No angels riding on white
horses to save Jesus from the cross. No mass
uprising of a militant army to overthrow the
hated Roman Empire.
So why read this book? Because it offers
an insider view on what made Peter tick.
Not a book of theology that seeks to pose
insightful questions about God, this novel
follows Peter’s struggle to discover his true
self. Peter thought he was an up and coming
fisherman. Once in this circle of twelve
disciples, he thought he was a chief strat-
egist in the inevitable earthly kingdom of
Jesus Christ. He imagined that he would be
listed in the Jewish hall of fame along with
heroes like Abraham, Moses and David (and
Jesus of course) because of his perceived role
in the elevation of his people. Little did he
know that “all” he was really destined to be
was pioneering was fisher of men. After he
finally fully surrendered to Christ, he would
realize that there was no greater accomplish-
ment than being a friend to Jesus.
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