When We Become Too Busy
for Our Children
by Juliane Wiebracht
t’s summer. In my little world, that means
quite a bit of change. As a work from
home mom, I usually handle most of
my company tasks while the kids are at
school. I’m often alone in the office adjacent
to my bedroom, free from distractions. So
I tend to approach this time of year with a
hovering cloud of dread. And this summer
has been no different. Between juggling the
responsibilities of disciplining, organizing
chores, having their friends over, whilst
trying to handle work, I have felt the pres-
sure building and building. Like a scarf, too
snug around my neck, it seems to tighten
more and more as the hours pass. I grow
increasingly subdued; inwardly repeating,
8 HimPower August 2018
“Just make it through the day… just make it
through the day”.
Recently, during one of these chal-
lenging times, I braved the Texas heat, eager
for some time alone. As I strolled down
our quiet country road, listening to 1 Peter
chapter 5 on my phone, I began to meditate
on these verses. Days later still chewing and
chewing on his words, like the cows scat-
tered on either side of the narrow asphalt
pavement that hot day. Peter spoke to elders
of shepherding a flock. And although I
am not an elder, as a mom of two teenage
boys, I can easily relate to the challenges of
shepherding. Peter exhorted his readers “Be
shepherds of God’s flock that is under your