Live Without Anxiety!
by Terry Lemerond
t’s normal to feel worried, anxious, or
stressed out from time to time. But when
these feelings stick around long-term,
they have the ability to wreak havoc on
every aspect of your life. Thankfully, Mother
Nature has a fast-acting herb that is safe and
effective for relieving feelings of stress and
Anxiety affects everything we do. It
makes us feel overwhelmed, destroys our
ability to rest and sleep, harms our immu-
nity, and stops us from experiencing joy.
Unfortunately, prescription drugs for
anxiety reduction often cause serious side
effects. But there’s a better solution.
A specialized, clinically-tested echi-
nacea calms the jitters and fears that take
a toll on your mental and physical health.
It also matches the symptom relief of a
prescription, but without side effects. With
this unique echinacea extract, you will:
• Reduce—or eliminate—anxiety
• Stop persistent worrying
• Eliminate unrealistic fears
• Reduce physical symptoms associated
with stress
• Sleep better at night
• Feel more comfortable in social situa-
• Meet challenges and daily obstacles
16 HimPower August 2018
with confidence
Everyone has a little anxiety now and
then—when you start a new job, or when
your taxes are due. But for some people,
anxiety can be overwhelming. For them,
anxiety depletes their energy and destroys
their self-confidence. Their waking moments
are clouded by a sense of impending
disaster, or outright fear—without any
obvious cause. Has it happened to you?
If so, then you are likely dealing with the
joy-sapping effects of anxiety.
In this Terry Talks Nutrition® newsletter,
I want to tell you about an unexpected way
you can reduce anxiety and the host of symp-
toms that go with it. I’ll get to that in just a
moment. But first, let’s take a look at some
basic facts and symptoms of anxiety.
I think most people can remember at
least a few times when they’ve been anxious.
Maybe it was right before giving a presen-
tation at work, or the day they were ready
to walk down the aisle with their soon-to-be
spouse. As distracting and annoying as that
level of anxiety can be, it’s to be expected
now and then. But for all too many, it’s a
crushing weight they experience every day.
In fact, approximately 40 million Americans
age 18 and older have an anxiety disorder.