Cast Down but Not Forsaken
by Jennifer Workman
hy, my soul, are you
downcast? Why so dis-
turbed within me (Psalms
43:5, NIV)?”
This article is written by inspiration of
the Holy Spirit and is written as a means to
empower and encourage you.
Whatever maybe troubling you today
and causing you unrest, turmoil and pain
in your heart, I want you to know that God
sees you where you and he is there with
you for he promised in his word that “I will
never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews
13:5, NKJV).”
Today I am going to be talking briefly
about suicide because it is a prevalent issue
in our society and many people are being
10 HimPower August 2018
affected by it on a daily bases. Many people
that we see all around us that may appear to
be fine and that everything is well in their
lives, are feeling like they are at their “wits
end” or “at the point of no return.”
But I want many people that are
reading this article today to know that you
don’t have to carry what you facing by your-
self for Jesus states in his word “for us to
cast our cares upon him for he cares for us
(I Peter 5:7, NKJV).” Jesus can handle those
things that we can’t for “God is our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble
(Psalms 46:1, KJV).”
On the contrary, the devil’s agenda is
“to kill, to steal and destroy lives.” And he
tries to work through loneliness, depres-