HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine HIM 20th Anniversary Magazine | Page 9

A New Covering

A memoir from DR . CINDY JACOBS
More than 20 years ago , the Lord impressed upon me that I needed to call Ché Ahn and give him a prophecy . The word came to me , after he was released from the Vineyard movement , that he was not to join another man ’ s network , but that God would raise up his own network under him .
At this time , I did not know that Ché had already spoken to John Arnott about joining their apostolic network . That was probably a good thing I didn ’ t know , because I am friends with the Arnotts and would have been reluctant to have shared the word !
Ché had to go back to John after I shared the prophecy with him and explain ; and of course , the Arnotts were gracious and understanding to release him to build Harvest International Ministry .
The growth of HIM from there on was nothing less than supernatural . Ministries around the world quickly began to join this new network .
Why such success ? I believe it is , at least in part , because of the DNA of personal integrity from Ché and Sue Ahn themselves . They are empowering without being controlling and put a high value on relationships . I have found this to be true of my experience throughout the years . People have found a covering , relational accountability , and the emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit to be appealing on many levels . Mike and I are proud to call them our friends and co-laborers in the harvest fields of the nations .
Congratulations for twenty successful years of building a historic , pioneering work that will last throughout the generations .
DR . CINDY JACOBS Generals International Member of HIM since 1996
� generals . org � / cindyjacobsofficial � @ cindymjacobs � @ cindyjacobs Dallas , Texas
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