It ’ s showtime in Blacktown City !

The much-loved Blacktown City Festival is back , promising a spectacle of food , culture and entertainment over two weeks in May .
The festival will run from 13 - 27 May , with the popular Medieval Fayre and Banquet , Outback Blacktown Country Music Festival and Streets Alive and Parade Day being some of the highlights .
The full 2023 festival program is now live , with more than 20 events for people of all ages .
Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM said the festival was the centrepiece of Blacktown City ’ s annual events calendar .
“ There will be something for everyone at the 2023 Blacktown City Festival , with this year ’ s festivities expected to be the biggest yet ,” Mayor Bleasdale said .
“ We will celebrate in every corner of the city , commencing with the Riverstone Festival on Saturday , 13 May .
“ Our favourite event , the Blacktown City Medieval Fayre , will transform Nurragingy Reserve back to the Middle Ages . Travel back in time with roving entertainment , market stalls , medieval jousting , combat displays and more .
“ We will see you in the Nurragingy Reserve parkland for the Outback Blacktown Country Music Festival , featuring some of Australia ’ s best-known country musicians , including Adam Harvey and Gina Jeffreys .
“ The 16-day festival will go out with a bang with the Streets Alive and Parade Day , which will celebrate Blacktown City ’ s diverse communities with a colourful street parade , live performances and market stalls .
“ I extend a warm invitation to you , your family and friends to come and celebrate with us the many events that make up the 2023 Blacktown City Festival .”
The festival also features the Lots of Laughs Comedy Night , Drag Trivia , a Seniors Gala event featuring Lorenzo Rositano , and a new event , the Cena Italiano food market on the Village Green .
For all Festival details and to secure tickets visit : blacktown . nsw . gov . au / festival
The Streets and Alive Parade Day will bring colour and culture to the Blacktown CBD .

The festival will run from 13 - 27 May , with the popular Medieval Fayre and Banquet , Outback Blacktown Country Music Festival and Streets Alive and Parade Day being some of the highlights .

The Outback Blacktown Country Music Festival will return to Doonside , with toe-tapping entertainment from some of Australia ’ s best country artists .


- Anne Frank Exhibition - 13 May- 28 May , Max Webber Library , Blacktown , ( Refer to trading times )
- Mervyn Bishop : Celebrating one of Australia ’ s most prolific photographers - 13 May- 28 May , Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre ( Refer to trading times )
- Riverstone Festival and Parade - 13 May , Mill Street Reserve , Riverstone , 9am- 3pm
- Street Vibes - 13 May , Blacktown Showground , 11am- 4pm
- Blacktown Historical bus tours - 13 , 17 and 19 May , Meet at Bowman Hall , Campbell St Blacktown , 9am- 3pm
- Outback Blacktown Country Music Festival - 14 May , Boronia , Nurragingy Reserve , 11am-4pm
- Pinot and Picasso - 17 May , Bowman Hall , 6pm- 8pm - Drag Trivia - 18 May , Bowman
Hall , 6.30pm- 8.30pm
- LOL Comedy Night - 19 May , Blacktown Workers Club , Doors open 7pm for 8pm start
- Blacktown City Medieval Fayre - 20 & 21 May , Nurragingy Reserve , 10am - 4 pm
- Medieval Banquet - 20 May , Colebee Centre , 6.30 pm
- Seniors Gala : Lorenzo and Friends - 23 May , Bowman Hall , 10am- 12 noon
- Kangaroo Beach Kids Concert - 24 May , Bowman Hall , 10.30 am and 12.30pm
- Cena Italiano food market - 25 May , Village Green , 5pm- 9pm
- A fusion of Korean dance and music - 26 May , Bowman Hall , 10am- 12noon
- Sorry Day Ceremony - 26 May , Colebee Centre forecourt , 4pm
- Blacktown City Streets Alive and Parade Day - 27 May , Blacktown CBD , 9 am- 4 pm THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 95 // MAY 2023 9