The Hills Shire celebrates National Citizenship Day with 128 new citizens

Dinusha Assiriyage pictured with Mayor Gangemi at Council Citizenship Day Ceremony .
The Hills Shire Council proudly welcomed 128 new Australians during a special ceremony held in celebration of National Citizenship Day on Tuesday , 17 September 2024 .
Mayor of The Hills Shire , Dr Peter Gangemi , presided over the ceremony , which coincided with the 75th anniversary of Australian Citizenship .
“ It is a tremendous honour to be part of such a significant milestone in the lives of our newest residents ,” Mayor Gangemi said .
“ National Citizenship Day is a time to reflect on the value of Australian citizenship and to acknowledge how fortunate we are to call this beautiful country home .”
Mayor Gangemi also congratulated the new citizens and encouraged them to embrace their new chapter in Australia .
“ I warmly congratulate each of our new citizens and thank them for choosing Australia and The Hills Shire as their home ,” he added .
Since the origin of National Citizenship Day in 1949 , Australia has welcomed over 6 million new citizens from over 200 nations worldwide .
This year , The Hills Shire ’ s newest Australians came from nations including Egypt , India , South Korea , Scotland , and Singapore .
One of the new citizens , Charmaine Grace Montes , originally from the Philippines , spoke about her deep connection to Australia and the journey that led her to become a citizen .
“ I have developed a strong connection to the country , including relationships with family and friends [ in Australia ],” Mrs Montes said .
“ Becoming a citizen is exciting for me as it will allow me to fully participate in the democratic process through voting and having a say in the future of this country I ’ ve come to call home .”
Dinusha Assiriyage , another new citizen who moved from Sri Lanka seeking better opportunities for his family , echoed these sentiments .
“ The most exciting part of becoming an Australian citizen is to be able to call this wonderful country home and to be part of such a vibrant community ,” Mr Assiriyage said .
To read interviews with Charmaine and Dinusha , visit The Hills Shire Council ’ s website , www . thehills . nsw . gov . au and search “ New Citizens Reflect on Australian Citizenship ”.
Charmaine Grace Montes pictured with Mayor Gangemi at Councils National Citizenship Ceremony .

“ National Citizenship Day is a time to reflect on the value of Australian citizenship and to acknowledge how fortunate we are to call this beautiful country home .”

THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 112 // OCTOBER 2024 5