Lorraine Clifford 0488 025 533 lorraine @ hdinews . com . au
Greg Martin 0420 655 524 greg @ hdinews . com . au
Maryann Callaghan 0427 442 452 maryann @ hdinews . com . au
Lorna Gordon 0402 596 244 lorna @ hdinews . com . au
Matt Austin 0425 304 006 duckman @ hdinews . com . au
John Macdonald Lachlan Turner
Haley De Martin 0408 634 583 haley @ hdinews . com . au
Kathryn Johnston 0422 404 366 kath @ hdinews . com . au
Myee Lallyette 0413 305 578 myee @ hdinews . com . au
David Burnet 0412 448 883 david @ hdinews . com . au
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People who live , work or play along the Hawkesbury River are invited to share their thoughts on how it should be looked after as part the Hawkesbury Nepean River System Coastal Management Program ( HNRS CMP ), a project between six councils to establish a long-term plan for its coordinated management .
Led by Hornsby Shire Council and in partnership with Central Coast Council , Hawkesbury City Council , The Hills Shire Council , Ku-ring-gai Council and Northern Beaches Council and the NSW State Government , the HNRS CMP will include a 10-year program of works to improve waterway health , increase hazard resilience , and protect social and cultural values .
The community can learn more about the HNRS CMP and provide their feedback online or by visiting a drop-in session to have a chat with the project team and share their input .
- 3 October : 9am-2pm at Wisemans Ferry Boat Ramp , Old Northern Road , Wisemans Ferry
- 4 October : 9am-1pm at Parsley Bay Boat Ramp , 25 Karoola Street ,
Brooklyn - 4 October : 2pm-5pm at The Cottage , 10 Dangar Road , Brooklyn
- 9 October : 12pm-5pm at Berowra Waters Marina , 199 Bay Road , Berowra Waters
Community members are welcome to drop by at any time during the sessions .
Once community consultation is complete on 24 November , the partner councils and state government agencies will review and consider the feedback . The councils will then prepare , exhibit and finalise the plan before submitting it to the NSW Government for certification and adoption .
Hornsby Shire Council General Manager Steven Head said the river means something different to everyone , so it ’ s important as many people as possible come forward with feedback .
“ The Hawkesbury River plays a vital role in the lives of our community , supporting recreation , livelihoods and cultural significance ,
while also being a critical nature habitat . We encourage everyone to share their thoughts and help shape the future of our estuaries , lagoons and beaches to ensure their sustainability for future generations .”
For more information about the Hawkesbury Nepean River Coastal Management Program and to have your say , visit www . hawkesburynepeancmp . org