Connie Keith
rehabilitate soldiers injured in the war . It is thought that Sir Roden Cutler , the longest serving Governor of Australia , was treated there following injuries sustained in battle .
After the war , the estate was returned to the Masons who then brought the children back and it continued to be used until the 1970s , when the need for it was no longer there . The decision was made to sell it to the council with the stipulation that it was to be used for the community . It subsequently became known as Balcombe Heights Estate .
Connie and the rest of the people on the committee have made sure that the estate continues to give back to the community . There have been two memorial sites erected to remember the Masonic soldiers who fought in both wars . Every year since 2007 Connie ( with input from other committee members and funding provided by Council ), has organised a Remembrance Service to commemorate these fallen heroes with a service held on the Sunday before 11 November .
In 2022 the site was to celebrate its centenary and in the lead-up to it Connie and the committee discussed what they could do that would be appropriate which all members of the community could enjoy marking the occasion .
“ Our first idea had been a community garden , but we learned that the local Rotary Club already had plans for one underway . I wanted something lasting for the community that would also help the biodiversity of the area . Coming from a science background and having a love of nature , I thought a sensory garden would be perfect . Gardens in general and sensory gardens in particular have been shown to have benefits for everyone and especially impactful for people with mental health issues , dementia or those who are on the autism spectrum ; all of which fit perfectly with the needs of so many of the groups who use the buildings on the estate .”
COVID and changes in the Council saw delays to the sensory garden starting , and while Council supported the concept of the garden , no money had been budgeted for it to be built . Not letting that deter her , Connie decided to apply for a grant from the WestInvest Group and with the help of Micci Beer from Learning in the Hills they began to complete the complicated application process . After several months of stress in completing the required forms , followed by many more months of waiting for the outcome , the successful award of the grant was finally advised in January 2023 .
Connie ’ s concept for the garden was inclusivity , she knew it was important for the garden to be accessible for all ages and levels of mobility . She had previously approached Ryde College for assistance and a plan using her concept was developed by the pro bono services of a talented landscape designer .
You can look forward to seeing some work from Aboriginal artists featured in the new garden as well as ceramic tiles Connie has given children who attended
Connie received a Special Mayoral Award at this year ’ s Australia Day Awards .
playgroups and preschool on the estate . Connie didn ’ t stop at applying for just one grant ; she applied to the Federal Government for a grant to plant trees for the Queens Jubilee celebrations and was awarded a further $ 20,000 to undertake this task . These have already been planted , forming an avenue leading to the WWII memorial , adjacent to the eventual location of the sensory garden .
It was Connie ’ s dedication to building something for the larger community and including that community in the process which saw her being given a special award at this year ’ s Australia Day awards . Connie received the Special Mayoral Award for her two decades of service to the Balcombe Heights Estate , something she was quite surprised about .
“ I was humbled to be given the award , though very pleased that the work we had been doing was recognised . I wanted the estate to be an asset for the whole community , including those with special needs . As well as providing an inclusive space to be enjoyed by all sectors of the community , the sensory garden will increase biodiversity and have attendant environmental benefits .”
When you realise that Connie and her husband moved to the Central Coast several years ago , you can tell what a special person she is . Connie didn ’ t let a change of address stop her from continuing her hard work and dedication to the area that she had called home for almost all her life , which we can all be thankful for .
THE HILLS INDEPENDENT theindependentmagazine . com . au ISSUE 96 // JUNE 2023 7