HILLS INDEPENDENT HILL 96 June 2023 | Page 24

with Julian Leeser MP
As I have spoken to people across the electorate in recent weeks , the issue I have heard about more than any other is inflation and the rising cost of living . The Government ’ s budget may have returned to surplus but , for so many families and businesses in our community their budget remains in deficit .
Families are increasingly having to consider where to cut back , just so they can pay their mortgages and buy their groceries .
Local businesses are getting hit with a double whammy , with higher costs of running their business and reduced demand from customers . Too many of those local business owners are having to question whether they can even continue running their business .
It is deeply concerning to hear about how many hard-working members of our community are doing it tough . Inflation is not just an economic issue – it also takes a real human toll on the livelihoods and mental health of Australians .
Lessening that burden must be the number one priority for every Parliamentarian . I know it is certainly at the forefront of my mind . On behalf of our community , I am advocating for measures that will meaningfully and practically reduce the cost of living across our electorate .
For instance , I want there to be a greater focus on reducing electricity prices , so local businesses can keep operating and families can pay their bills . I also want to see an increase in the number of Medicare-subsidised psychology sessions from 10 to 20 , as
it was during the life of the previous government .
That would reduce costs for families while also genuinely saving lives , especially as people navigate this
challenging economic period . Please contact my office ( details above ) if you would like to share with me how your family and your business are affected by the rising cost of living .

2023 Hills Relay for Life

with Alex Hawke MP
The 22nd Annual Cancer Council Hills Relay for Life was held on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May 2023 . My electorate of Mitchell came together to support the fight against the terrible disease of cancer . I have had the privilege of attending for over 15 years along with members of my community to raise vital funds toward cancer research .
The Relay for Life is a chance for the Hills community to recognise and celebrate local cancer survivors , patients , and their carers , to honour and remember loved ones lost to cancer and to raise money to help save more lives .
The Mitchell electorate walked for 24 hours to raise essential funds . I would like to thank my team of over 20 community members who sacrificed their time and sleep to walk through all hours of the day and night .
I am proud to announce over the past 22 years the people of my electorate have raised $ 5 million for much needed medical research to find a cure for this devastating disease and for Cancer Council programs . The 2023 Relay for Life raised an impressive $ 267,000 so far and the aim is for $ 300,000 for the Cancer Council . It is a privilege to represent such a generous and charitable community that continue to come together to support each other and important causes .
A successful relay like the Hills Relay does not come together overnight . The Hills Relay committee have been preparing for over nine months . I would also like to congratulate and thank the Hills Relay for Life volunteer committee , Chair Lisa Carruthers , Michelle Patterson , Jaime Berglin , David Hand , Lynne Pike , Ruth Didsbury , Alison Harper , Katie Didsbury , Bryan Mullan , Feona Hennes , Jenny Glover , Karen Cunningham , Renae Dean , Michelle Byrne , Denise Daynes , Bev Jordan , Angela Pike and honorary committee members , Jacqueline and Victoria Lee , for their hard work and dedication in organising a fantastic community event and raising money for such a worthy cause in the process . Thank you also to the hardworking cancer council representative , Yvette Haines .
Hills Relay for Life is a wonderful event . We will find a cure through the initiative of the community and the generosity of so many community members , businesses , and charities . I would like to congratulate all the Mitchell community , carers , survivor ’ s family , and friends .
22 ISSUE 96 // JUNE 2023 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT