With an extensive history of residing in and serving the Riverstone community , Norwest was gearing up to celebrate its 40th birthday in style . However , with restrictions in place that didn ’ t allow the community to meet together face-toface , the college executive were thankful for technology that allowed them all to gather virtually , as a community .
Norwest ’ s brand , marketing and communications manager , Mrs Michelle Klomp , has led the 40 Year Celebration Committee for the past two years .
“ Leading the planning team of staff
and volunteers , for our 40th birthday celebrations , has been such a fun and exciting time , despite our plans needing to shift and pivot so many times . It ’ s wonderful to see members of our community wanting to serve others in this way and having such a heart for the college .”
Rather than pass-up the opportunity to celebrate , because of restrictions , Norwest decided to get creative instead and celebrated it ’ s 40 Year Celebration with its annual Glow event . Glow , usually held on the campus , is for every student
and family of the college .
It is for them to join together in community , to share a meal , to sing Christmas carols , to view student and staff performances , and to hear the good news of Jesus at Christmas time .
Mr Julian Elton , college chaplain , recently reflected on Glow ,
“ Glow is an amazing time for the community to come together and find out about the message that shines to the world at Christmas time .”
This bespoke , livestreamed event not only featured the key aspects of Glow , but it also featured the key milestones that were earmarked for the 40th birthday celebrations , such as a tree planting ceremony , a time capsule burial , a prayer walk around the campus , inspired by those who founded the school , then known as Riverstone Christian Community Primary School back in 1980 .
Those who watched also got a sneak peek at the college ’ s new learning precinct , which is now home to eight classrooms , located around open learning spaces , as well as three new science labs and STEM facilities .
The combined event was also a chance for Norwest ’ s community to reminisce and to thank God for his goodness across the past 40 years . In order to celebrate
in true community style , college families were encouraged to invite another college family ( or three ) into their home , for a meal or supper .
College principal , Mrs Felicity Marlow , was extremely excited about this event .
“ The combined livestream event was truly unique and reflect that moment in history . I have no doubt that our students will look back on it with joy , having watched and interacted together , with their friends , in their own home . Whilst we couldn ’ t all be together ; I was excited to see how our college community owned this event and brought it to life .”
Norwest ’ s celebration plans came together well and if you would like more information about the unique learning framework the college offers , or would like to ask about how to join this unique community , please visit our website , or contact us directly .
Enquiries : office @ nwcc . nsw . edu . au .