Hills District Independent HILLS 107 May 2024 | Page 20

with Julian Leeser MP
For many years , it has been a key priority of mine to champion a better deal for our area from the telcos – for more towers and fewer blackspots .
Only weeks ago , we got a new phone tower in Glenhaven . This is a cause of celebration after years fighting for the tower , including a community campaign for the tower to be located at Glenhaven Green .
As the Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland said about a communications blackspot in her own electorate , reliable communication is not “ a nice to have , it ’ s a necessity ”. I agree with her .
In recent months , it has become apparent to me that the Government ’ s decision to shut down the 3G network has not been totally thought through . It ’ s also a deep concern to local residents .
Residents have told me in emails : “ All I know is that lately my signal bars have reduced to one bar only and I appear to only have 3G .”
And , “ We don ’ t rely on 3G unless 4G is down which happens . We seem to be in a black spot or hole . We need 3G when this happens .”
Another resident wrote , “ 4G is very bad at our address . We needed to install a phone booster . The phone booster works better on 3G than 4G .”
Many residents across the electorate are still relying on the 3G network and cannot get the 4G or 5G . And for those in boats on the Hawkesbury River , 3G is the vital link with emergency services .
There is not a shortage of technology , only a shortage of will .
It ’ s a cause I took up during the recent parliamentary sitting fortnight . I am pleased that Minister Rowland has formed a working group inquiring into the 3G shutdown - with a particular emphasis on triple zero calls .
Additionally , following my advocacy and the advocacy of others in the Coalition , the shutdown of the 3G network has been referred to the Senate ’ s Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee .
The purpose of the inquiry is to review the impact that the shutdown will have on Australians who rely on the 3G network .
If you are impacted by this change , I encourage you to make a submission to the Committee . Submissions close on 31 May . If you would also like to share your thoughts with me , please don ’ t hesitate to contact my office .

Visit the 2024 Remagine Art Prize exhibition to explore the ‘ Crossroads of Consumption ’

Over 60 unique artworks focusing on sustainability , waste and the environment have been shortlisted in Hornsby Shire Council ’ s 2024 Remagine Art Prize . The finalist works of Digital Art Stills , Sculpture , Mixed Media , Painting , Photography , Drawing , Ceramics , and Printmaking will be on exhibition at the Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre , Hornsby from 10 May to 26 May .
Hosted by Hornsby Shire Council in partnership with the Hornsby Art Society since 2009 , the Remagine Art Prize challenges artists to create works in response to the waste and overconsumption crises . This year ’ s
The 2023 Remagine Art Prize exhibition at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre theme , Crossroads of Consumption invited artists to explore how our everyday consumption can be reduced to limit the impacts of waste and climate change .
“ I would like to congratulate all the finalists for their inspiring and thoughtprovoking artworks and their passion for sustainability and the environment ,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor The Hon Philip Ruddock AO . “ The artists have captured the urgent issue of overconsumption beautifully through their masterful expressions .”
“ Hornsby Shire Council is committed to preserving our beautiful natural environment for future generations and the Remagine Art Prize emphasises how we all can do our part to reduce waste and live more sustainably .” This year ’ s esteemed panel of judges are curator Sheona White , contemporary Australian multidisciplinary
Winner Remagine 2023 , Jennifer Kemarre Martiniello OAM , Not Wasted , 2023 , cast recycled television screen glass , woven recycled brass wire , redeemed polycarbonate , LED spotlight , 30x 16 x 30cm
artist , Susan O ’ Doherty and local sculptor Ulric Steiner . A total of $ 11,000 in prize money is on offer . Winners will be announced at an award ceremony on Friday 10 May .
The Remagine Art Prize 2024 finalist exhibition will be on show at Wallarobba
Arts and Cultural Centre , 25 Edgeworth David Avenue , Hornsby , from 10 May to 26 May 2024 , Tuesday – Sunday , 10am – 4pm .
For more information , go to hornsby . nsw . gov . au / remagine
20 ISSUE 107 // MAY 2024 theindependentmagazine . com . au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT