Hills District Independent August 2020 #62 August 2020 | Page 24

SENIORS Vital stroke awareness goes online Stroke Foundation is taking bookings for what could be the most important video conference of your life. Virtual StrokeSafe presentations are now available to workplaces and community groups, delivering vital information about stroke prevention and recognition. This knowledge could save the life of a loved one, a friend, a workmate or even yourself. Stroke Foundation spokesperson Jonine Collins is pleased the organisation’s traditional in-person StrokeSafe talks have been adapted during COVID-19 times to continue to educate the community. “There is one stroke in Australia every nine minutes. Stroke can strike anyone at any age and it does not stop because we are in a pandemic,” Ms Collins said. “Stroke is always a medical emergency. Knowing how to reduce your stroke risk and recognise the F.A.S.T. signs of stroke are just as important as ever.” Knowing the F.A.S.T. signs of stroke can save a life. Ask these questions: • Face – Check their face. Has their mouth drooped? • Arms – Can they lift both arms? • Speech – Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you? • Time – Time is critical. If you see any of these signs, call 000 straight away. Stroke strikes the brain, the most complex organ in our bodies, responsible for our movement, thoughts and feelings. It kills up to 1.9 million brain cells per minute, but prompt medical treatment can stop this damage. Stroke survivor and StrokeSafe presenter Kevin English has encouraged businesses and community groups to book an online presentation to ensure staff and members know what to do when a stroke occurs. “Stroke Week is approaching rapidly (August 31- September 6), and that is a timely reminder to put stroke awareness on the agenda,” Mr English said. “Stroke is one of Australia’s biggest killers and a leading cause of disability and its prevalence increases year on year. “It impacts too many families, but more than 80 percent of strokes can be prevented by managing blood pressure and cholesterol and living a healthy, active lifestyle. “I am excited that by embracing online presentations, we are able to spread these important messages to all corners of Australia, at a time when our health is top of mind.” It’s estimated more than 56,000 strokes will occur in Australia this year alone. If you would like to request a free 30 minute online StrokeSafe presentation please call 1300 194 196 or book online at strokefoundation.rg.au SYDNEY | NORWEST | RICHMOND | KATOOMBA BY APPOINTMENT ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Immediate help & support available Our CAREGivers are trained and adhere to all required infection control protocols at all times Consistent CAREGivers Locally owned & operated home care packages Delivering Government Subsidised Each Home Instead Senior Care ® franchise is independently owned and operated. ©M&S Warner 2020 Family Wealth Protection Property Preservation Lifestyle Protection Plan Buying and Selling Property Lifestyle Wealth Plan for Retirement Strata Issue Special Disability Trusts Retirement Village Contracts CALL US TODAY TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT Contact Home Instead Senior Care Sydney Hornsby & Hills District to find out more. 9980 2226 | HomeInstead.com.au Katherine Hawes 02 8858 3211 www.digitalagelawyers.com 24 ISSUE 62 // AUGUST 2020 www.hdinews.com.au THE HILLS INDEPENDENT