Hills District Independent August 2020 #62 August 2020 | Page 23
Norwest Private urges all community
members not to ignore their health
Norwest Private Hospital is
encouraging Sydney Northwest residents
not to neglect their own health during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Suzanne Hall, General Manager, said,
“Australians have done an outstanding
job in maintaining social distancing and
dramatically reducing the spread of
COVID-19, but warned that it is still vital
that people seek medical advice and
treatment should a
health concern arise.”
Dr Laura Brown,
FACEM, is Norwest
Emergency Co-Medical
Director and comments.
“In recent months,
we have observed a
drop-off in the number
of people presenting
at our Emergency
Department (ED) for
treatment, a trend
also noted among
GPs and allied health
F45 family is fighting fit
by Maryann Callaghan
Suzanne Hall, General
Manager, Norwest
Private Hospital.
Not even a COVID lockdown could
curb the enthusiasm and dedication of
F45 The Ponds’ certified group fitness
trainers, Susie and Emmanuel.
“Stay positive, stay sane and stay
strong,” says business owner Susie
Grant, who together with partner
Emmanuel Pinto, run the F45 studio in
The Ponds shopping centre.
“COVID closed our studio down
for 11 weeks, so we pivoted to online
training sessions for our members.
We held two live Zoom classes per
day to keep fit and connected to the
community,” Susie said.
This group connection makes
her clientele more like a supportive
family. Members are bonded by healthy
enthusiasm and drive inspired by their
trainers’ energy and dedication.
It makes this business story literally
a survival of the fittest, both physically
and mentally.
“The gym community we have built
up is strong and members have ended
up making supportive relationships and
friendships. We are a family-orientated
community and welcome anyone of any
fitness level, from professional athletes,
to mums and dads, beginners and older
people,” Susie said.
“We did have to isolate ourselves
for a while, but that didn’t stop us.
“Based on feedback from those
patients who do present, we think that
the trend is driven by two factors - either
not wanting to be a burden on the health
system in these unprecedented times, or
having concerns about coming to hospital
during the current environment.”
Dr Brown said that, while
understandable, neither were reasons
to ignore or postpone seeking medical
attention for what may be a critical
undiagnosed health issue.
“We want to reassure the Sydney
Northwest community that it’s safe
to seek medical help. All too often we
see individuals present at our ED with
a complaint that, had it been ignored,
might have led to serious longer-term
repercussions.” said Dr Brown.
Ms Hall advised that Norwest
Private had taken several steps
to protect patients, staff, doctors
and visitors during the COVID-19
pandemic. “We are conducting
patient screening and temperature
checks on everyone who presents
There was a mental change in attitude
during lockdown and by us keeping a
connection with our gym family was a
real support to many. Of course, we all
couldn’t wait to get back in the studio!”
F45 The Ponds offers a functional full
body workout in 45 minutes, improving
energy levels, metabolism, strength and
endurance in a circuit and HIIT style
format, using a combination of weights,
resistance and cardio.
Opened in 2015, the studio prides
itself on its “fit and strong” health
focus and being known as the “burpee
“Anyone in the family can do F45,
it gets you results. It’s fun and high
intensity. We welcome all backgrounds.”
Susie, also trained in Muay Thai
(Thai boxing), said being in a group
atmosphere pushes you to do your best,
because it’s motivating for mind and
“Group training is like an escape
and therapy for people and the social
interaction helps your mental state
which is the strongest gain you get from
exercise. It is life-changing,” Susie told
F45 The Ponds also provides
nutritional advice and support. It offers
classes as early as 5:00am and evening
classes to 7:0045pm.
Readers of The Independent will be
pleased to know Susie is coming onboard
as our fitness guru, giving her tips
and advice on how to be the strongest,
healthiest you.
F45 The Ponds is at T16, The Ponds
Shopping Centre, corner Riverbank and
The Ponds Boulevarde.
Phone: 0433 258 885, Email:
[email protected] or catch
them on Instagram and Facebook.
Professional training equipment on the
circuit. Photo: Kathryn Johnston.
at our ED. We have also
implemented strict social
distancing protocols
throughout the hospital in
line with health authority
“We urge anyone
who may be putting off
seeking medical advice
or treatment to please
contact your appropriate
health professional,
and if it’s an immediate
concern, the Norwest
Emergency Department
is open, safe, and here for
your care.”
Ms Hall further added
that the, “Norwest ED access fee for
those over 65 years old will be waived
until September for patients admitted to
Norwest Private Hospital and covered by
private health insurance. This will enable
our vulnerable patients to have access to
high quality specialist geriatric medical,
surgical and other medical specialist care
at our hospital.”
“The ED is the frontline of our hospital
and the team has been unified, resilient
and professional in the challenging
environment of COVID-19. As a team
they have prepared, trained and have
further developed processes to ensure the
safety of patients, colleagues and all who
Jane Thornley, ED Nurse Unit Manager, Norwest Private Hospital.
enter the ED.”
Norwest ED nursing team is led by
Nurse Unit Manager, Jane Thornley.
“I am very proud and honoured to lead
such a hardworking team that focuses on
high quality care, supporting our patients,
their families and each other in the new
world we now find ourselves in,” said Ms
The Norwest ED Team have access
to specialist consultations in over 20
specialties and is open 24 hours a day,
seven days a week to care for a wide range
of medical and surgical emergencies.
Norwest Private ED can be contacted
directly on 8882 8555.
Look, move and perform better in all aspects of your life.
CALL 0433 258 885
The Ponds Shopping Centre
Corner The Ponds Blvd & Riverbank Dr
THE HILLS INDEPENDENT www.hdinews.com.au ISSUE 62 // AUGUST 2020 23