Head of School
As I began to reflect on all the
memories that Hillcrest has given
me over the past five years, I
realised just how fast time has
gone. I distinctly remember
being in year 9, entering a
completely new environment,
meeting a large group of diverse
students from across the world,
and just being excited to start
secondary school. Little did I
know just how much of an impact
Hillcrest would have on me
through the opportunities it has
given me, and I can confidently
say that Hillcrest has truly shaped
me into the person that I am
When I think about what makes
Hillcrest the school that it is, and
how I will remember Hillcrest
after I leave, there are quite a
few things that come to mind.
Firstly, I would say the teachers.
It is said that the best teachers
are those who show you where
to look but don’t tell you what to
see. I believe that this perfectly
describes the teachers at Hillcrest
as they can help you confidently
grow as an individual and assist
you with the tools necessary
to thrive in the real world. Not
only this, but they are open to
offer any extra help that you
need in order to reach your full
potential, whether it be a math
problem you just can’t seem to
solve, or a new hockey skill that
seems pretty much impossible,
or even watching a random
YouTube video in Biology class
that will actually help you better
understand a complex topic.
In addition, Hillcrest would not
be the same without the bus
drivers and ground staff, the
lab technicians, the nurses and
the front office who are always
smiling and willing to help in
any way they can. I would like to
thank you all for your continued
No matter who
you are or what
you’re interested in,
there will always be
something for you
here. Personally,
I really enjoyed
taking part in a
lot of sports as
it taught me the
importance of not
giving up. Outside
sport, there are
still a lot more
options through the
music and drama
departments, and I
commend the effort
put into producing
fantastic school
plays, and also
how impressive it
is to have our own
students directing a production
such as ‘An Inspector calls’.
I feel that Hillcrest has taught
me important life lessons that
have become instilled within
me over the years. Through the
countless opportunities offered,
I’ve learned the importance of
stepping outside your comfort
zone, taking risks and embracing
change. One reason why people
resist change is because they
focus on what they have to give
up rather than what they have to
gain. It’s how you adapt to the
change and make it work in your
favour that will truly set you apart
from the norm. Similarly, Hillcrest
has changed so much since I first
came; it’s very promising to see it
grow, thanks to innovative ideas
and action.
grown up from being children
into young adults. But I know
that now I measure my time here
in a different way. I measure it in
terms of the lifelong friendships
I’ve made, unforgettable
memories, and the times we
have all shared together. We live
in a world where there is so much
going on every day, and I have
no doubt that each and every
single one of you will go on to
make a difference, and make
the world a better place; be the
people that the world needs
right now. So make the most of
the time and opportunity given
to you here as this is what will be
your foundation for success in
the future.
By Pavan Jandu
To all my fellow students, we
have measured our time here
day by day counting down until
the holidays. We’ve measured
it in terms and years as we have