Girls ’ Football

Sara Bottura , Sheena Shah , CatherineAyebazibwe , Ashley Karanja , Diana Vargas , Mariam Kimutai , Radhika Rana , Paula Kioko , Marie-Noelle Nduwayo , Ivy Gitonga , Mai Sher , Mongina Osoro , Joanna Dyer , Jasmine Jethwa , Andrew Makokha , Reemi Shah , Lisa Kamau , Karen Katahoire , Tamsyn Arendse Shefali Kachra , Miracle Denga , Michelle Harderwijk

The Team

Girls ’ football took off a bit awkwardly . We could not make our first match due to lack of training and a proper team . However , as the first half of term steadily progressed we were able to acquire valuable teammates and training was intense ; when you ’ re unfit , even walking is a struggle ! However , coach Andrew worked hard to make sure we were prepared for each match and pushed us to the best of our abilities . Our very first matches were held at Braeside in a tournament bringing together many of Nairobi ’ s high schools . The battle
76 was real but we made it to the semi-finals . This in turn inspired us to work harder . A few more intense training sessions later , we drew against West Nairobi School in a home match , following which we played against Nairobi Academy . We lost , but enjoyed the game . As these matches progressed , our team steadily built up in membership and experience . We suffered more losses but unknown to us , our victory lay in our match against Brookhouse . Slowly , but surely , we were able to pick ourselves up with our last match being against St . Andrew ’ s Turi . With an easy , friendly and less aggressive atmosphere , we played our best football ever ; losing was not so bad in the end . We had been unable to venture towards the finals in the pool , but we had tried our best . Now that we have come to the end of the academic year , we will be saying farewell to some of our year 13 members who will be going to university . We wish you all success in your future , and as a team look forward to the next girls ’ football season .
By Lisa Kamau
2017 | Hillcrest Magazine