Back Row Left: Ms Dorcie Agundah, Hafsa Mughal Caitlin Staley, Leila Field Pavan Jandu, Suhaila Adan, Tamsyn Arendse Candice Madakadze, Hannah Viljoen That ended the season in a year that we had hoped for the completion of a long standing dream. At the end of the game, there were tears flowing freely and all we could do was reminisce on the passion we had had for sports and the effort we had all put in to get this far and though it may have seemed to the naked eye that we had lost the match and were not crowned the 2017 champions, I still www.hillcrest.ac.ke believe that Hillcrest were the winners as they showed great sportsmanship and a willingness to be fair amidst all that went on before the whistles even blew. mind games played earlier contributed immensely towards dislodging their mental preparation. In the end, the U19 girls finished stronger! I would like to commend the girls for an amazing five years and remind them that we still lived by our motto for the year: “start strong and finish stronger!” The outcome of the finals was not in their hands as the By Dorcie Agundah 59