GIRLS’ SPORTS U19 Girls’ Hockey As the 2017 field hockey league came to a final close, it signalled the completion of yet another five years with the most amazing team of year 13 girls. We shared a passion, a dream, laughter and tears along the way and indeed we shared in the completion of a journey that began one cold August day in 2012 when a group of young students straight from CE joined Hillcrest with optimism and enthusiasm. They have maintained the same fire five years down the line only that it burnt with more rage as their journey came to a close. Their last match started off with Hillcrest sounding the board after ten minutes of play through a Tamsyn Arendse touch which 58 Back Row Left: Kyela Brennan, Coral Hays, Teigist Taye Aika Koikai Yvonne Njoroge, Isha Haria, Talya Herd Trishi Shah, Tamara Biwott deflected into the bottom right hand corner in a characteristic field hockey style; this was all after Pavan Jandu and Talya Herd’s spadework in the midfield. There was more raiding by the experienced and talented Hillcrest School striking force made up of Caitlin Staley, Leila Field, Tamara Biwott, Trishi Shah and Yvonne Njoroge but all our efforts were frustrated by the Peponi School defence. By the time the half time whistle was blown, Hillcrest was leading 1-0 but we all knew this was not a safe place to be in. We got back into the game with the knowledge that we needed to score more goals. Coral Hays went on a firing spree sending balls into the D but poor finishing was our undoing. We were able to amass numerous short corners in the process and again unfortunately we were not able to convert any. Our defenders Kyela Brennan, Isha Haria, Hafsa Mughal, Candice Madakadze, Suhaila Adan and Teigist Taye, played their hearts out in their unenviable roles as scorers. Peponi utilised the few chances that they had the privilege of having inside of our D area. Amidst a goal mouth melee and our dependable goal keeper Aika Koikai endeavouring to keep the ball at bay; by the time the final whistle blew, the score tally was 1-2 in favour of Peponi. 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine