All our teams performed really well, reaching the finals in the KAISSO league at U19 for both genders and U15 boys. Unfortunately, they were beaten in the finals, two of which were by penalty shootouts. Yet resilience and dedication marked out our teams despite the delay, by some weeks, of the finals. In athletics, numerous personal bests were achieved by many of our runners and field athletes, which bodes well for the season that is to come. Whilst at the Turi Cross Country, the U19 teams did extremely well, achieving second. Special mention should also be given to the year 9 girls’ netball team who won the Hillcrest tournament as well as Team A who won all of their matches. The staff too were very successful, winning the GEMS Cambridge School staff tournament. Our impact internationally began with Saga Hernander achieving a bronze at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) held this year in Bali. The Hillcrest team of Riana, Saga, Fartun, Shivangi, Safi and Ariana faced up to three different types of exams. Saga follows in the fine Hillcrest tradition of success in this competition. Mrs Tout and Mr Greenwell also took the annual Hillcrest ski trip to Italy in February. All the students behaved impeccably, learned some new skills and brought back some fantastic memories to share with the school. We are also renowned as hosts of the Model United Nations and this year was no exception. The MUN is a fantastic opportunity for students to extend their debating skills, to be ambassadors for a week and make speeches from the same podium as so many important and influential people. Recalling her experience in Johannesburg, Momina summed up the battling required to make a difference: “I have to fight complacency in all that I do!” Both she and Max Gutsche achieved an honourable mention, whilst Jayson King’ori was awarded best overall speaker and best overall delegate. The professionalism evident in the performing arts was obvious from the Christmas concert as well as in our widely feted Cultural Day, where many unnatural performers shone. The ‘We Will Rock You’ rock rhapsody with its heart pumping rhythms and harmonies celebrated life, music and the impressive teamwork of the Hillcrest community. Another whole community event was the Year 11 Careers’ Evening whose focus is to look beyond the here and now to give added impetus to career paths. Once again, we are indebted to our parent community for supporting the school, being prepared to sacrifice their time and energies to inspire the next generation of Hillcrest highfliers. As well as the Careers’ Evening, Teen Chat was an inspiring event. I was impressed by the maturity of all the participants; their frankness in asking questions which concerned them and the willingness of all to discuss and help each other understand intergenerational issues. If you have never participated, join us in November 2017. Beyond academics and sport, Hillcrest has an incredible, inspirational record in social responsibility which manifests in very generous giving to empower others to make a difference, especially in Kenya. Very significant and vital amounts of money were raised for worthwhile causes including the Red Cross Drought Relief, the Kenya Institute for the Blind, Tenderfoot Academy and the Mount Kenya Environmental Conservation Trust. SUSO, Interact and Environment Club also collected food buckets, books and sports equipment to empower other young people and families here in Nairobi. Students and staff at my previous school in Cyprus were so impressed with the Tenderfoot initiative that they too are committed to raising 3000 Euros to help build a new classroom at Tenderfoot. Our Latin motto, Semper Prospice, ‘Always Looking Forward’, emphasises our constant quest to improve and grow. In this connection, the new Sixth Form block is taking shape; following that new staff housing will be erected. I have also referred to the new Management Information System coming on stream, which will dramatically alter communications. None of these achievements would be possible without you. I would therefore like to thank all the staff and students as well as parents for your welcome, your perseverance and your hard work over this year. My hope and prayer is that as some of our community, students and staff depart, they will take with them and broadcast further the Hillcrest spirit and its ethos. By John Eveson www.hillcrest.ac.ke 7