E S U O H - R E T IN r , C z i u Q rs, e d n u o ey, R Hock y r t n u o oss C House Position THOR 1 ODIN 2 ZEUS 3 Inter House Cross Country The morning was chilly and sunny at the same time. The house chiefs were busy counting the number of participants for their houses just to ensure that they had good numbers for the race. The teachers were all running around to ensure that they were at the right place at the right time before the clapper went off to signal the start of the races and the students... Well, they were the centre of attention and the reason why we were all gathered on the pitches. It was clear that they were putting on a brave face ready to represent their houses. The five S’s of sports are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; 56 but the greatest of these is spirit! As we ushered in the display of house spirit, I must say that the students gave it their best shot and everyone came out a winner at the end of it all. This is the first of the many annual Inter House activities that Hillcrest hosts as part of its long standing tradition and heritage. As a school, we are not looking for winners but rather for participants with the right attitude and school and house spirit. We are looking for students with the correct approach and mental resilience to scale the most uncomfortable of situations and still come out smiling wearing their sporting spirit on their sleeves with pride. The motto of the day was: “Sport does not build character…it reveals it”. The stu- dents did indeed approach the race with no preset agendas and I can confidently say that they all came out surprised at their overall efforts and their performance in the race just as much as the teachers did. By Dorcie Agundah 2017 | Hillcrest Magazine