Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 44


2.5 Demographic Analysis
Through analyses of demographic information , user need and demand can be better understood . Regardless of the availability or condition of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities , a number of residents walk throughout Arlington to destinations such as work , shopping centers , parks , and neighbors ’ homes . During fieldwork , pedestrians and bicyclists were observed throughout different areas of Arlington . US Census demographic data provides geographic information regarding the means of transportation to work and percent of population not owning a vehicle .
The following analyses use 2000 census data . These maps and analyses should be updated when 2010 census data becomes available .
Vehicle Ownership ( Map 2.4 ) When considering the City of Arlington as a whole , 5.6 % of the working population did not own a vehicle in 2000 . A more detailed geographic investigation of US census data provides a further understanding of need . Map 2.4 (% Not Owning a Vehicle by Block Group ) presents a geographic view of the percentage of workers that do not own a vehicle and would thus be more dependent on alternative means of transportation . The darker shades of green and blue show block group areas where higher percentages of the working population do not own a vehicle . The highest percentages are found within the Downtown core and UT-Arlington area and range between 12-57 %. Overall , the area contained by I-30 and Hwy 303 contains some of the highest percentages per block group in the City .
Bicycle and Pedestrian Mode Share ( Maps 2.5 and 2.6 ) The City of Arlington Percent Working Population Biking and Walking to Work maps ( Maps 2.5 and 2.6 ) present a geographic view of the percentage of pedestrian and bicycle commuters by block group . The darker shades of green and blue show areas in which higher numbers of people are already walking or biking to work .
The highest percentages of those walking to work are confined to the Downtown / UT-Arlington area . Anywhere between 5-53 % of workers walk to work in the Downtown . Other pockets of relatively high walking commuters can be found between the I-30 and Hwy 303 corridor , mainly in central to eastern Arlington .
The higher percentages of those biking to work are more geographically sporadic . Still , the highest block group percentages are found mostly in the immediate Downtown and UT-Arlington area .
2-14 | Chapter 2 : Current Conditions