Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 33

• Recent bridge reconstruction projects across I-30 feature excellent pedestrian accommodations including covered walkways , architectural lighting , and murals . These provide gateways into the Entertainment District and Downtown Arlington .
• Center Street has been transformed into a walkable gateway into Downtown from the north , including the Center Street bridge .
• A number of local park greenways and trails have been developed including the Lynn Creek Greenway .
Pedestrian crossing at the Center Street Bridge .
Below : Worn foot paths may be observed where there is no sidewalk , indicating use and need .
Deficiencies of Existing Pedestrian Accommodations
• Numerous gaps in the sidewalk system exist , leaving some neighborhoods and destinations disconnected from other areas . In many cases , worn foot paths may be observed where there is no sidewalk , indicating use and need . Key corridors that lack sidewalks and / or have significant gaps include :
• Cooper Street
• Pioneer Parkway
• Abram Street
• Division Street
• Mansfield Webb Road
• Sanford Street
• Safe pedestrian crossings of I-20 and I-30 are lacking . I-30 crossings are being improved with reconstructed bridges , but I-20 crossings are quite dangerous without adequate pedestrian treatments .
• Pedestrians are accommodated at most intersection crossings , but many are lacking complete treatments . Roadways such as Collins Street and Cooper Street are difficult to cross .
Below : While pedestrian signals are numerous , most are not countdown signals .
• Many of the high traffic volume intersections do not have high visibility pedestrian warning signage .
• While pedestrian signals are numerous , the majority are not countdown signals .
• A majority of the intersections require restriping or additional striping for crosswalks and advanced stop bars .
• A majority of the intersections require additional accessible ramps or improvements to the existing accessible ramps to meet current ADA guidelines ( truncated dome warning strips ).
Chapter 2 : Current Conditions | 2-3