Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 32


Existing Plan Review Existing , relevant plans , documents , and ordinances were reviewed and summarized .
2.2 Pedestrian Conditions ( Maps 2.1 and 2.2 )
The City of Arlington has many pedestrian features such as sidewalks , crossing facilities , and trails . There are nearly 1,100 miles of sidewalks in the City as seen in Map 2.1 . Nearly 18 miles of the Veloweb ( a regional off-road bicycle path network ) are complete and provide excellent , paved , multi-use trails for recreation and transportation . These facilities provide a good foundation for a more comprehensive pedestrian network throughout the region .
However , there are still several key corridors that lack sidewalks and / or have sidewalk gaps . Also , there are communities within Arlington that have plentiful sidewalks while others are lacking . This is a result of historic development patterns and more recent development regulations . These are evident and displayed in the Pedestrian Gaps map ( Map 2.2 ).
There are many pedestrian intersection crossing treatments throughout the City of Arlington . However , most intersections lack complete and updated pedestrian solutions . Complete inventories and preliminary recommendations may be found in Appendix F .
Strengths of Existing Pedestrian Facilities
• Many intersections already contain functional pedestrian elements including pedestrian-activated signals and marked crosswalks .
• A majority of the intersections have good visibility .
• A majority of the intersections are signalized with pedestrian crossing signals .
• A majority of the intersections have pedestrian access by means of sidewalks .
• A majority of the intersections have existing marked crosswalks .
• A majority of the intersections are accessible ( contain curb ramps ).
• Many of the intersections have existing medians that can be utilized for pedestrian refuge areas .
• Downtown Arlington has excellent pedestrian accommodations within and around the Downtown core ( Abram Street / Center Street / City Hall ).
Existing pedestrian amenities like downtown sidewalks ( top ), Davis Street sidewalks ( middle ) and the Veloweb ( bottom ) provide a good foundation for a more comprehensive pedestrian network .
• The regional trail system is complete in several locations including the northern parts of Arlington ( along the Trinity River and Green Oaks Blvd .) and near Cowboys Stadium .
2-2 | Chapter 2 : Current Conditions