General .
2 . U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . ( 2002 ). Guide to Community Preventive Services .
3 . Rails-to-Trails Conservancy . ( 2006 ) Health and Wellness Benefits .
4 . Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center . ( 2008 ). Economic Benefits : Money Facts . Retrieved 8 / 8 / 2008 from www . bicyclinginfo . org / why / benefits _ economic . cfm
5 . King , Neil . The Wall Street Journal : Another Peek at the Plateau . ( 2 / 27 / 08 ): In February 2008 , the Wall Street Journal quoted industry experts , stating , “ supply constraints could push the price of oil to $ 150 a barrel by 2010 ”.
6 . National Association of Realtors and National Association of Home Builders . ( 2002 ). Consumer ’ s Survey on Smart Choices for Home Buyers .
7 . NCDOT and ITRE . ( 2006 ). Bikeways to Prosperity : Assessing the Economic Impact of Bicycle Facilities .
8 . Virginia Department of Conservation . ( 2004 ). The Virginia Creeper Trail : An Assessment of User Demographics , Preferences , and Economics .
9 . Federal Highway Administration , Southern Resource Center . ( 1999 ). Off-Mode Air Quality Analysis : A Compendium of Practice . To calculate air quality benefits of bicycling , first calculate the Daily VMT reduction . VMT Reduction = PD * Area * L * BMS , where PD = Population density , persons / mile ; Area = Project length * 1 mile radius , mile ; L = Round trip length , one-half of the project length times 2 daily trips , miles ; BMS = Bike mode share , %. Last , calculate the Daily Emission reductions for a pollutant . Ed = EFx * VMT Reduction , where Ed = Daily Emissions , grams / day ; EFx = Emission factor for pollutant x , grams / mile ; VMT = vehicle mile / day .
10 . U . S . Department of Transportation ( DOT ), Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( BTS ) and the Federal Highway Administration ( FHWA ). ( 2002 ). National Household Travel Survey .
11 . Wikipedia ( Internet ). http :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Dallas & http :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Arlington .
12 . Brookings Institution . 2003 . The Mobility Needs of Older Americans : Implications for Transportation Reauthorization .
13 . US EPA . ( 2003 ). Travel and Environmental Implications of School Siting .
14 . National Center for Safe Routes to School . ( 2006 ). National Center for Safe Routes to School Talking Points .
15 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The Importance of Regular Physical Activity for Children . Accessed 9 / 16 / 05 at http :// www . cdc . gov / nccdphp / dnpa / kidswalk / health _ benefits . htm .
Chapter 1 : Introduction | 1-11