1.5 Plan Components
This Plan document includes the following major components :
• This Introduction presents the background , visions and goals , planning process , and the benefits of a hikable and walkable City ( Chapter 1 ).
• An assessment of Current Conditions that overviews existing hike and bike conditions , land use , trip attractors , and also summarizes existing related plans ( Chapter 2 ).
• A Demand and Needs Analysis that examines mode-share , models bicycle and pedestrian activity , and presents key findings from the public input process ( Chapter 2 ).
• A recommended Bike Network that outlines a framework of connected recommendations ( Chapter 3 ).
• A recommended Hike Network that outlines a framework of connected recommendations ( Chapter 4 ).
• Key Program Recommendations for education , encouragement , and enforcement ( Chapter 5 ).
• Implementation recommendations that outline specific steps for achieving the Plan ’ s key elements ( Chapter 6 ).
• Design Guidelines to guide the City of Arlington in current hike and bike design and standards ( Chapter 7 ).
• Appendices that provide a summary of public input , the bicycle network segment table , funding recommendations , program resources , recommendations for potential policy revisions , intersection inventory and recommendations tables , and tiled map recommendations .
Footnotes from , “ The Value of the Hike and Bike System ”:
1 . U . S . Department of Health and Human Services , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . ( 1996 ). Physical Activity and Health : A Report of the Surgeon
1-10 | Chapter 1 : Introduction