Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 270

D-16 | Appendix D : Funding Resources


Funding Program
Primary Purpose
National Highway System
Improvements to roads that are part
Construction of pedestrian and bicycle
( NHS )
of the NHS and NHS Intermodal
facilities on adjacent to any highway
connectors .
on the NHS .
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA )
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA TE )
Construction , resurfacing , and operational improvements for highway and bridges including transit and other modes .
ARRA 3 % set-aside for Transportation Enhancement Activities .
Summary of Funding Sources and Opportunities
Construction of bicycle and pedestrian transportation facilities ; Non construction project for safe bicycle use ; upgrade public sidewalks to comply with ADA . Project do not have to be in the right-of-way of a federal highway .
Construction of bicycle and pedestrian transportation facilities ; Construction project for safe bicycle use ; upgrade public sidewalks to comply with ADA . Project do not have to be in the rightof-way of a federal highway .
Variable , good source .
Variable , good source .
Surface Transportation Program ( STP )
Construction , resurfacing , and operational improvements for highway and bridges including transit and other modes .
Construction of bicycle and pedestrian transportation facilities ; Construction project for safe bicycle use ; upgrade public sidewalks to comply with ADA . Project do not have to be in the rightof-way of a federal highway .
Variable , good source .
Surface Transportation Program ( STP TE )
Surface Transportation Program setaside for Transportation Enhancement Activities .
Construction of bicycle and pedestrian transportation facilities ; Construction project for safe bicycle use ; upgrade public sidewalks to comply with ADA . Project do not have to be in the rightof-way of a federal highway .
Variable , good source .
Surface Transportational Program Enhancement Set aside ( STP-E ) or Transportation Enhancements , TE
Funds twelve specific activities including pedestrian and bicycle facilties .
3 out the 12 categories are pedestrian and bicycle facilities , safety and education for pedestrians and bicyclists and rail trail projects
Variable , good source .
Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
State may spend a portion of its federally allocated STP funds on bicycle and pedestrian facilities .
Construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities , including Rails to Trails projects and non-construction projects such as brochures , public service announcements and route maps .
Variable , project must be part of long range transportation plan .
Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA )
Funds are used to improve air quality Construction of bicycle facilities and and reduce transportation emissions . greenways to reduce automobile use and promote bicycle use .
Variable , funding is approved through EPA ' s Office of Transportation and Air Quality ( OTAQ ).