Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 268

most pedestrian projects and programs eligible for these funds .
Sales or excise taxes at both the local and state levels are taxes on specific goods and services that require special legislation to enact . Sales tax is typically the second largest source of income after property taxes for state and local govenments . The funds made from the tax are limited to a specific use , such as food and beverage taxes for the promotion of greenway , bikeway , or walkway improvements .
Occupancy tax on hotel and motel rooms ( special tax increment financing ) for special districts may also be established throughout the community to create funding that can be dedicated to sidewalk and bicycle projects and improvements . This is often successful in commercial areas .
Impact Fees
An impact fee is a one-time charge that private entrepreneurs , often developers , must pay to the local government in order to build new housing units . In turn , the revenue from the impact fee finances public goods and services that the developer would not otherwise provide . Water and sewer lines , streets and bridges , and parks and recreational facilities are typical projects funded by impact fees . Most state statutes require a direct correlation between the projects funded and the impact of the development . The goal of impact fees is to enable a community to maintain a constant “ level of service ” ( park acres / resident , library books / resident , road miles / resident ), despite facing growth . However , impact fees are not designed to allow a community to provide higher levels of service than existed prior to a development ’ s creation .
Impact fees have their detractors , who oppose the added cost of development and , in some cases , a decreased availability of affordable housing due to the impact of the fee . Impact fees often face legal challenges , primarily from developers who feel that they are being assessed to provide higher levels of service . To withstand litigation , proponents must carefully construct their impact fee program . Despite these challenges , impact fees are growing as a source of funding for the acquisition , construction and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities near new development .
City Budget
Low cost on-street bikeway improvements such as re-striping can often be accommodated within the transportation operation budgets . For streets requiring construction or reconstruction , space for on-road bicycling should be incorporated in the design and construction of these facilities . Streets built by developers to support their subdivisions should also incorporate space for bicyclists .
The Neighborhood Initiative Program ( NIP )
The Neighborhood Initiative Program is designed to enhance the quality of life for neighborhood residents through the concentrated delivery of services and programs provided by working in partnership with the neighborhoods . The city ’ s goal is to raise awareness of code and zoning ordinances , provide information on accessing city services and promote clean and safe neighborhoods .
Community Fundraising
A common approach is to find creative ways to break a large project into small pieces that can be “ purchased ” by the public or community through special fundraising activities and reinvigorate a community ’ s sense of civic pride .
Regulatory or Development Controls
Through use of zoning , development , or redevelopment regulations , opportunities exist that would require private development activities to participate in the dedication of easements or the building of the proposed hike and bike improvements .
Arlington Tomorrow Foundation
The Arlington Tomorrow Foundation ( ATF ), a 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit foundation , was formed by the Arlington City Council to enhance the quality of life in the community . The ATF supports work throughout the community that will have a positive impact on the following :
• Safe and strong neighborhoods
D-14 | Appendix D : Funding Resources