Below : ‘ Daily Trip Distances ’ chart from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Information Center website , www . pedbikeinfo . org
agricultural and road runoff .
Transportation Benefits In 2001 , the National Household Travel Survey found that roughly 40 % of all trips taken by car are less than 2 miles . By taking these short trips on a bicycle or by foot , rather than in a car , citizens can substantially impact local traffic and congestion . Additionally , many people do not have access to a vehicle or are not able to drive . According to the National Household Travel Survey ( NHTS ), one in 12 U . S . households does not own an automobile and approximately 12 % of persons 15 or older do not drive . 10 An improved hike and bike network provides greater and safer mobility for these residents .
Above : By walking or biking for our trips that are less than 2 miles , we could eliminate 40 % of local car trips .
Traffic congestion is often a major problem in fast growing areas such as the Dallas-Fort Worth region ( Arlington is the 49th largest city in the United States in terms of population ; the Dallas-Fort Worth- Arlington metropolitan area is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States ). 11 Congestion reduces mobility , increases autooperating costs , adds to air pollution , and causes stress . Bicyclists and pedestrians can help alleviate overall congestion because each cyclist presents one less car on the road . Incidentally , cyclists take up significantly less space on the road . While some may argue over the degree to which overall congestion is alleviated by cyclists and walkers , one aspect of the argument is particularly difficult to challenge : for the individuals who choose to ride a bike or walk rather than drive , the negative impacts of congestion ( stress , operating costs , and sometimes even mobility ) are greatly reduced .
1-8 | Chapter 1 : Introduction