National Association of Home Builders , trails ranked as the second most important community amenity out of a list of 18 choices . 6 Additionally , the study found that ‘ trail availability ’ outranked 16 other options including security , ball fields , golf courses , parks , and access to shopping or business centers . Findings from the American Planning Association ( How Cities Use Parks for Economic Development , 2002 ), the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy ( Economic Benefits of Trails and Greenways , 2005 ), and the Trust for Public Land ( Economic Benefits of Parks and Open Space , 1999 ) further substantiate the positive connection between trails and property values across the country .
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Download the full report , “ Pathways to Prosperity ”, from : http :// ncdot . org / transit / bicycle / safety / safety _ economicimpact . html
Finally , from a tourism perspective , cyclists can add real value to local economies . For example , in the Outer Banks , NC , bicycling is estimated to have an annual economic impact of $ 60 million ; 1,407 jobs are supported by the 40,800 visitors for whom bicycling was an important reason for choosing to vacation in the area . The annual return on bicycle facility development in the Outer Banks is approximately nine times higher than the initial investment . 7 Similarly , Damascus , VA , the self-proclaimed ‘ Friendliest Trail Town ’, features 34-miles of trail where approximately $ 2.5 million is spent annually related to recreation visits . Of this amount , nonlocal visitors spend about $ 1.2 million directly into the economies of Washington and Grayson counties . 8 While these examples feature beach and mountain destinations , the City of Arlington also has key hiking and biking advantages , such as the River Legacy Park , which is a regional draw for a large population of potential riders .
Environmental Improvements As demonstrated by the Southern Resource Center of the Federal Highway Administration , when people get out of their cars and walk or bike , they reduce measurable volumes of pollutants . 9 Other environmental impacts include a reduction in overall neighborhood noise levels and improvements in local water quality as fewer automobile-related discharges wind up in the local rivers , streams , and lakes .
Trails and greenways are also part of any hike and bike network , conveying unique environmental benefits . Greenways protect and link fragmented habitats and provide opportunities for protecting plant and animal species . Aside from connecting places without the use of air-polluting automobiles , trails and greenways also reduce air pollution by protecting large areas of plants that create oxygen and filter air pollutants such as ozone , sulfur dioxide , carbon monoxide and airborne particles of heavy metal . Finally , greenways improve water quality by creating a natural buffer zone that protects streams , rivers and lakes , preventing soil erosion and filtering pollution caused by
Chapter 1 : Introduction | 1-7