Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 248

more than 1,000 vehicles per day , as in states such as Wisconsin . Paved shoulders have safety and operational advantages for all road users in addition to providing a place for bicyclists and pedestrians to operate .
Rumble strips are not recommended where shoulders are used by bicyclists unless there is a minimum clear path of four feet in which a bicycle may safely operate .
3 . Sidewalks , shared use paths , street crossings ( including overand undercrossings ), pedestrian signals , signs , street furniture , transit stops and facilities , and all connecting pathways shall be designed , constructed , operated and maintained so that all pedestrians , including people with disabilities , can travel safely and independently .
4 . The design and development of the transportation infrastructure shall improve conditions for bicycling and walking through the following additional steps :
• Planning projects for the long-term . Transportation projects are long-term investments that remain in place for many years . The design and construction of new projects that meet the criteria in item 1 ) above should anticipate likely future demand for bicycling and walking and not preclude the provision of future improvements . For example , a bridge that is likely to remain in place for 50 years , might be built with sufficient width for safe bicycle and pedestrian use in anticipation that connecting bicycle facilities or sidewalks will be available at either end of the bridge even if that is not currently the case .
• Addressing the need for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross corridors as well as travel along them . Even where bicyclists and pedestrians may not commonly use a particular travel corridor that is being improved or constructed , they will likely need to be able to cross that corridor safely and conveniently . Therefore , the design of intersections and interchanges shall accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians in a manner that is safe , accessible and convenient .
• Getting exceptions approved at a senior level . Exceptions for the non-inclusion of bikeways and walkways shall be approved by a senior manager and be documented with supporting data that indicates the basis for the decision .
• Designing projects to the best currently available standards and guidelines . The design of improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians should follow design guidelines and standards that are commonly used , such as the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities , AASHTO ’ s A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets , and the ITE
C-18 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies