Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 247


C . 4 Bicycle Parking Ordinance
Bicycle parking is critical to provide placement of bicycles at endof-trips . The following is a recommended bicycle parking ordinance for the City of Arlington that addresses proper placement , amount , and types of bicycle parking .
C . 5 Existing Federal and State Policies
Current Federal Policies As of December 2009 , the Safe , Accountable , Flexible , Efficient Transportation Equity Act : A Legacy for Users ( SAFETEA-LU ), a major bill funding federal transportation programs , is up for reauthorization . Speaking on this reauthorization , US Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has expressed his desire to see significant changes to federal transportation policy . His priorities include emphasizing livability and sustainability in all transportation projects . He has also noted that bicycle and pedestrian transportation are key elements to these goals . Additionally , he has been quoted saying “ the right of way doesn ’ t just belong to cars — it belongs to pedestrians and bicyclists as well .” Adopting a national Complete Streets policy has gained momentum and will likely be part of this reauthorization bill . Therefore , bicycling and walking continues to gather strong support as the country realizes their importance for physical health and transportation .
The current U . S . Department of Transportation ’ s policies on bicycling and walking are :
1 . Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be established in new construction and reconstruction projects in all urbanized areas unless one or more of three conditions are met :
• Bicyclists and pedestrians are prohibited by law from using the roadway . In this instance , a greater effort may be necessary to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians elsewhere within the right of way or within the same transportation corridor .
• The cost of establishing bikeways or walkways would be excessively disproportionate to the need or probable use . Excessively disproportionate is defined as exceeding twenty percent of the cost of the larger transportation project .
• Where sparsity of population or other factors indicate an absence of need . For example , the Portland Pedestrian Guide requires " all construction of new public streets " to include sidewalk improvements on both sides , unless the street is a cul-de-sac with four or fewer dwellings or the street has severe topographic or natural resource constraints .
2 . In rural areas , paved shoulders should be included in all new construction and reconstruction projects on roadways used by
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-17