Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 201



Appendix Contents : Overview
Citizen and Staffbased Steering Committee
Public Workshops Comment Form
In order to gain local knowledge and input , a public outreach component was included as an integral part of planning efforts for the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan . Public input was gathered through several different means including the following : Steering Committee meetings , three public workshops , newsletters , local advocacy group outreach , various town hall and community meetings and public on-line comment forms . This offered the representatives and citizens of Arlington opportunity to contribute to the Plan ’ s development .
Citizen and Staff-based Steering Committee
The Steering Committee ( composed of citizens , City staff , NCTCOG , local advocates , and UT-Arlington ), met four times during the planning process . The group established visions and goals for the Plan and identified areas of need for walking and bicycling in Arlington . Members of the Committee marked-up maps and identified bicycle and pedestrian problem areas and possible solutions . The committee goals are listed in Chapter 1 and input from the Committee is reflected throughout the recommendations of this planning document .
Right : Images from committee meetings .
The Steering Committee also provided comments on the Draft Plan . These comments led to revisions made by the consultant in the development of the Final Plan .
Appendix A : Public Input | A-1