Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 171


B . Special Purpose and Directional Signage
The purpose of signage can be to identify routes for motorists , pedestrians , and bicyclists ; provide destination and distance information ; and warn users about changes in conditions . An efficient and effective directional signage system can enhance and provide for a safer experience for pedestrians and bicyclists ( Figure 7.7.3 ).
Design Criteria :
• Signs should be pole- or post-mounted .
• Signs should conform to City of Arlington , MUTCD , and AASHTO design standards .
• Provide special purpose and directional signs on a bike route map , allowing for better hike and bike planning to occur .
• Provide uniform color and City of Arlington logo on special purpose and directional signage .
Figure 7.7.3 . Examples of special purpose and direction signage .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-65