Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 170


Signage includes visual graphics that display specific information to an audience . A unified system of signs improves the movement of motorists , bicyclists , and pedestrians , and minimizes conflicts for all users . These include identification , directional , informational , and regulatory signs . A comprehensive system of signage ensures that information is provided regarding the safe and appropriate use of all facilities . Implementing a well planned and attractive signage system can greatly enhance a hike and bikesystem by signaling their presence and location to both motorist and existing or potential users .
A . Pedestrian and Bicycle Wayfinding Signage
Pedestrian and bicycle signage is often part of an overall wayfinding signage system . Signage should have a clear message , be easy to read , with simple colors and be standard in dimension to minimize maintenance and cost . A wayfinding signage system for on-and off-street bicycle route network should include directional , educational , and interpretive points of interest ( Figures 7.7.1 and 7.7.2 ). Figure 7.7.1 . Example of signage .
Design Criteria :
• Signage should be post or pole mounted or integrated within a kiosk or information booth .
• Maintain minimum clearance heights and setbacks when locating signs along pedestrian and bicycle facilities .
• Signage should conform to MUTCD and AASHTO Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities .
• Add city name , logo , and name of pathway to bicycle signage to make distinctive and unique to the City of Arlington .
Figure 7.7.2 . Example of kiosk .
7-64 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines