K . Bicycle Friendly Drainage Grates
Drainage grates are often located in the bike lane and can present a safety concern for bicyclists if the grates are improperly installed , clogged , or if the openings are too large . With proper planning during the design and street construction , these problems can be eliminated and a safe bicycle environment can be achieved ( Figures 7.51.31 through 7.51.33 ).
Design Criteria :
• Bicycle-friendly drainage grates should be installed in all new roadway projects and problem grates should be identified and replaced in existing roadways where bicycle facilities are proposed .
• Drainage grates should be flush with adjacent pavement .
• Curb opening inlets should be considered in new street construction to minimize potential obstructions .
• Grates should be replaced with bicyclesafe , hydraulically efficient versions .
Figure 7.51.31 . Bicycle friendly drainage grate .
Figure 7.51.32 . Dangerous drainage grate conditions
Figure 7.51.33 . Bicycle friendly drainage grate designs .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-31