Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 136


J . Pavement Markings
The MUTCD provides guidance for lane delineations , intersection treatment , and general application of pavement wording and symbols for on-road bicycle facilities and off-road multiuse pathways . Refer to http :// mutcd . fhwa . dot . gov / pdfs / millennium / 12.18.00 / 9 . pdf in addition to the standards presented in MUTCD . The following pavement markings may be considered ( Figure 7.51.28 ).
Figure 7.51.27 . Example of bike lane marking
Figure 7.51.29 . Example of shared lane marking
Figure 7.51.28 . Examples of pavement markings .
7-30 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines
Figure 7.51.30 . Shared Lane Marking