D . Bike Lanes
Bike lanes are portions of a roadway that have been designated by striping , signing , and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists . A bike lane is a one-way facility that carries bicycle traffic in the same direction as adjacent motorized traffic . Bike lanes should always be provided on both sides of a two-way street and should be located between on-street parking and travel lanes .
Bike lanes are typically provided on urban arterials and minor and major collector streets . Bike lanes may also be provided on rural roadways near urban areas , where there is a high potential of bicycle users . Bike lanes are not typically recommended on rural highways with greater than 45 mph post speeds .
Figure 7.51.10 . Example of clearly defined bicycle lane .
Design Criteria :
• A bike lane requires a white pavement marking .
• The lane should be defined by a 6- to 8-inch-wide white line separating the bike lane from the motor vehicle travel lane .
• The lane should be defined by a 4-inchwide white line separating the bike lane from parking spaces .
• The minimum width of a bike lane is 5 feet from center of stripe to face of curb or edge of pavement . 6 ’ -0” bike lane widths are recommended for high use and high speed areas .
• Where on-street parking is permitted the bike lane should be a minimum of 6 feet wide . If traffic or parking volume is substantial or turn over is high , an additional 1 to 2 feet of bike lane width is desirable .
• Motorists are prohibited from using bike lanes .
• Where space is limited or a roadway has a steep grade , a bike lane may be used on the uphill portion and a sharrow may be used for the downhill portion of the roadway .
• Refer to City of Arlington ’ s Design Criteria Manual , AASHTO , and MUTCD signage , pavement marking , and striping standards .
Figure 7.51.11 . Example of a roadway where bike lanes are recommended and sufficient apace for striping a lane is available .
Figure 7.51.12 . Example of bike lane and right turn lane .
7-22 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines